CyanPhase BassTrk This is a preview release of BassTrk, a pretty good sampler for buzz with some decent features: * A decent sampler with a variety of bassline options * includes a multimode filter engine (28 filters), distortion, and predistortion * Resampling is done in CSI interpolation * The multimode filters include 12dB, 24dB, 36dB, 48dB, 60dB, 72dB filtering for lowpass, highpass, bandpass and bandreject. A moog lowpass filter, arguru style 'phat filter', and two vocal wah filters is also included. * This sampler has 1 bassline style VCF. * Full MIDI implementation (play and record, including -24 to +24 semitone transposition) in Buzz More to come CyanPhase (